P20496 Meson resonances in a Dyson-Schwinger approach
  Further Activities
  Final Report

Invited talks and seminars

Contributed talks

Scientific Posters

  • M. Joergler, A. Krassnigg: Interaction Dependence of the Chiral Phase Transition Temperature;
    presented on 3rd March 2009 at the 47. Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik on Fundamental Challenges of QCD, 28th February - 7th March 2009, Schladming, Austria
  • R. Alkofer, G. Eichmann, A. Krassnigg, D. Nicmorus: Hadron Properties from Dyson-Schwinger Equations;
    presented on 3rd March 2009 at the 47. Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik on Fundamental Challenges of QCD, 28th February - 7th March 2009, Schladming, Austria
  • R. Alkofer, G. Eichmann, A. Krassnigg, D. Nicmorus: Baryon masses in a Poincaré covariant Faddeev approach;
    presented on 3rd March 2009 at the 47. Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik on Fundamental Challenges of QCD, 28th February - 7th March 2009, Schladming, Austria
  • M. Blank, A. Krassnigg: QCD Chiral Phase Transition in a Dyson-Schwinger approach;
    presented on 2nd September 2009 at the EMMI workshop Quarks, Hadrons, and the Phase Diagram of QCD, 31st August - 3rd September 2009, St. Goar, Germany
  • M. Blank, A. Krassnigg: Mesonic Amplitudes from the (In)Homogeneous BSE;
    presented on 3rd March 2010 at the 48. Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik on Masses and Constants, 27th February - 6th March 2010, Schladming, Austria
  • R. Alkofer, G. Eichmann, A. Krassnigg, D. Nicmorus: A Dyson-Schwinger equation study of the nucleon-photon vertex;
    presented on 3rd March 2010 at the 48. Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik on Masses and Constants, 27th February - 6th March 2010, Schladming, Austria
  • V. Mader, M. Blank, A. Krassnigg: Hadronic Decays with Bethe-Salpeter Amplitudes;
    presented on 3rd March 2010 at the 48. Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik on Masses and Constants, 27th February - 6th March 2010, Schladming, Austria
  • H. Sanchis Alepuz, R. Alkofer, G. Eichmann, A. Krassnigg, D. Nicmorus: Quark and Hadron properties in a covariant Faddeev approach;
    presented on 3rd March 2010 at the 48. Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik on Masses and Constants, 27th February - 6th March 2010, Schladming, Austria
  • V. Mader, M. Blank, A. Krassnigg: Hadronic decays in the Dyson-Schwinger approach;
    presented on 29th September 2010 at the Workshop on Strongly Interacting Field Theories, 29th September - 1st October 2010, Jena, Germany
  • M. Blank, A. Krassnigg: Meson properties from the inhomogeneous vertex Bethe-Salpeter equation;
    presented on 3rd March 2011 at the 49. Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik on Physics at all scales: The Renormalization Group, 26th February - 5th March 2011, Schladming, Austria
  • V. Mader, M. Blank, G. Eichmann, A. Krassnigg: Meson and baryon strong decays in the Dyson-Schwinger approach;
    presented on 3rd March 2011 at the 49. Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik on Physics at all scales: The Renormalization Group, 26th February - 5th March 2011, Schladming, Austria

Talks for a general audience

  • June 26th, 2009: Quarks and Gluons: functional approaches;
    given by M. Blank at the NAWI-Graz Workshop, 26th June 2009, Graz, Austria
  • May 4th, 2009: From quarks and gluons to mesons - the Bethe-Salpeter equation in QCD;
    given by M. Blank at the Joint TU-KFU PhD student seminar, Graz, Austria

With support from
FWFDer Wissenschaftsfonds

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