P20496 Meson resonances in a Dyson-Schwinger approach
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Peer-reviewed journal articles

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Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

In date-descending order

  • Light-meson properties from the Bethe-Salpeter equation,
    By M. Blank, A. Krassnigg (Graz U.),
    AIP Conf. Proc. 1343: 349, 2011
    arXiv:1011.5772 [hep-ph]
  • Baryons in and beyond the quark-diquark model,
    By G. Eichmann (Darmstadt Tech U.), R. Alkofer (Graz U.), C. S. Fischer (Darmstadt Tech U. & Giessen U.), A. Krassnigg (Graz U.), D. Nicmorus (Frankfurt U.),
    arXiv:1010.0206 [hep-ph]
  • Delta properties in the rainbow-ladder truncation of Dyson-Schwinger equations,
    By D. Nicmorus (Frankfurt U. & JLab), G. Eichmann (Darmstadt Tech U.), A. Krassnigg, R. Alkofer (Graz U.),
    Few Body Syst. 49: 255, 2011
    arXiv:1008.4149 [hep-ph]
  • Hadron properties from QCD bound-state equations: A status report,
    By R. Alkofer (Graz U.), G. Eichmann (Darmstadt Tech U. & Graz U.), A. Krassnigg, D. Nicmorus (Graz U.),
    Chin. Phys. C34: 1175, 2010
    arXiv:0912.3105 [hep-ph]
  • Covariant solution of the three-quark problem in quantum field theory: the nucleon,
    By G. Eichmann (Darmstadt Tech U. & Graz U.), R. Alkofer, A. Krassnigg, D. Nicmorus (Graz U.),
    EPJ Web Conf. 3: 03028, 2010
    arXiv:0912.2876 [hep-ph]
  • Meson and nucleon properties from Dyson-Schwinger QCD,
    By G. Eichmann, R. Alkofer, A. Krassnigg, D. Nicmorus (Graz U.),
    PoS(Confinement8)077, 2008
    arXiv:0812.3183 [hep-ph]
  • Excited mesons in a Bethe-Salpeter approach,
    By A. Krassnigg (Graz U.),
    PoS(Confinement8)075, 2008
    arXiv:0812.3073 [nucl-th]
  • Faddeev equations: a view of baryon properties,
    By D. Nicmorus, G. Eichmann, A. Krassnigg, R. Alkofer (Graz U.),
    PoS(Confinement8)052, 2008
    arXiv:0812.2966 [hep-ph]

Non peer-reviewed conference proceedings

In date-descending order

Stand-alone publications

In date-descending order

  • Properties of quarks and mesons in the Dyson-Schwinger/Bethe-Salpeter approach,
    By M. Blank (Graz U.),
    Ph.D. thesis, University of Graz, Austria, 2011
    arXiv:1106.4843 [hep-ph]
  • Aspects of hadronic transitions of mesons and baryons in the Dyson-Schwinger approach to QCD,
    By V. Mader (Graz U.),
    Diploma thesis, University of Graz, Austria, 2010
  • Hadron properties from QCD bound-state equations,
    By G. Eichmann (Graz U.),
    Ph.D. thesis, University of Graz, Austria, 2009
    arXiv:0909.0703 [hep-ph]

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