P25121 Hadrons in covariant models of quantum chromodynamics
  Further Activities

Peer-reviewed journal articles

In date-descending order

  1. Aspects of open-flavour mesons in a comprehensive DSBSE study,
    By T. Hilger (Vienna, OAW), M. Gomez-Rocha (ECT, Trento), A. Krassnigg (Graz U.), W. Lucha (Vienna, OAW)
    Eur. Phys. J. A53: 213, 2017
    View-only online full-text version: http://rdcu.be/xNh0 (via Springer Nature SharedIt initiative)]
    arXiv:1702.06262 [hep-ph]
  2. Quasi-exotic open-flavor mesons,
    By T. Hilger, A. Krassnigg (Graz U.),
    Eur. Phys. J. A53: 142, 2017
    View-only online full-text version: http://rdcu.be/tKAe (via Springer Nature SharedIt initiative)]
    arXiv:1605.03464 [hep-ph]
  3. Effects of a dressed quark-gluon vertex in vector heavy-light mesons and theory average of the B(c)* meson mass,
    By M. Gomez-Rocha (ECT, Trento), T. Hilger, A. Krassnigg (Graz U.),
    Phys.Rev.D93: 074010, 2016
    arXiv:1602.05002 [hep-ph]
  4. Algebraic vacuum limits of QCD condensates from in-medium projections of Lorentz tensors,
    By T. Buchheim (HZDR, Dresden), B. Kampfer (HZDR, Dresden & Dresden, Tech. U.), T. Hilger (Graz U.),
    J.Phys.G43: 055105, 2016
    arXiv:1511.06234 [nucl-th]
  5. Poincare covariant pseudoscalar and scalar meson spectroscopy in Wigner-Weyl phase,
    By T. Hilger (Graz U.),
    Phys.Rev.D93: 054020, 2016
    arXiv:1510.08288 [hep-ph]
  6. Light-quarkonium spectra and orbital-angular-momentum decomposition in a Bethe-Salpeter-equation approach,
    By T. Hilger (Graz U.), M. Gomez-Rocha (Graz U. & Vienna, OAW), A. Krassnigg (Graz U.),
    Eur.Phys.J.C77: 625, 2017
    arXiv:1508.07183 [hep-ph]
  7. Effects of a dressed quark-gluon vertex in pseudoscalar heavy-light mesons,
    By M. Gomez-Rocha (Graz U. & Vienna, OAW), T. Hilger, A. Krassnigg (Graz U.),
    Phys.Rev.D92: 054030, 2015
    arXiv:1506.03686 [hep-ph]
  8. Asymptotic freedom in the front-form Hamiltonian for quantum chromodynamics of gluons,
    By M. Gomez-Rocha (Graz U. & Vienna, OAW), S. Glazek (Warsaw U.),
    Phys.Rev.D92: 065005, 2015
    arXiv:1505.06688 [hep-ph]
  9. Masses of JPC =1-+ exotic quarkonia in a Bethe-Salpeter-equation approach ,
    By T. Hilger (Graz U.), M. Gomez-Rocha (Graz U. & Vienna, OAW), A. Krassnigg (Graz U.),
    Phys.Rev.D91: 114004, 2015
    arXiv:1503.08697 [hep-ph]
  10. Wilson coefficients and four-quark condensates in QCD sum rules for medium modifications of D mesons,
    By T. Buchheim (HZDR, Dresden), T. Hilger (Graz U.) B. Kampfer (HZDR, Dresden & Dresden, Tech. U.),
    Phys.Rev.C91: 015205, 2015
    arXiv:1411.7863 [nucl-th]
  11. Semileptonic meson decays in point-form relativistic quantum mechanics: unambiguous extraction of weak form factors,
    By M. Gomez-Rocha (Graz U.),
    Phys.Rev.D90: 076003, 2014
    arXiv:1409.5239 [hep-ph]
  12. Spectra of heavy quarkonia in a Bethe-Salpeter-equation approach,
    By T. Hilger, C. Popovici, M. Gomez-Rocha, A. Krassnigg (Graz U.),
    Phys.Rev.D91: 034013, 2015
    arXiv:1409.3205 [hep-ph]
  13. Three-gluon vertex in Landau gauge,
    By G. Eichmann, R. Williams (Giessen U.), R. Alkofer, M. Vujinovic (Graz U.),
    Phys.Rev.D89: 105014, 2014
    arXiv:1402.1365 [hep-ph]

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

In date-descending order

  1. S- and D-wave vector charmonia,
    By A. Krassnigg (Graz U., Vienna, OAW), T. Hilger (Graz U.),
    arXiv:1709.01331 [hep-ph]
  2. Asymptotic freedom in the Hamiltonian approach to binding of color,
    By M. Gomez-Rocha (ECT, Trento),
    EPJ Web Conf. 137: 03020, 2017
    arXiv:1611.07261 [hep-ph]
  3. Charming quasi-exotic open-flavor mesons,
    By T. Hilger, A. Krassnigg (Graz U.),
    EPJ Web Conf. 137: 01010, 2017
    arXiv:1611.04334 [hep-ph]
  4. Asymptotically free interactions in the Fock space,
    By S. Glazek (Warsaw U.), M. Gomez-Rocha (ECT*),
    AIP Conf. Proc. 1735: 080005, 2016
  5. Leptonic decays of D-wave vector quarkonia,
    By A. Krassnigg (Graz U.), M. Gomez-Rocha (ECT, Trento), T. Hilger (Graz U.),
    J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 742: 012032, 2016
    arXiv:1603.07232 [hep-ph]
  6. Asymptocic Freedom of Gluons in Hamiltonian Dynamics,
    By M. Gomez-Rocha (ECT*), S. Glazek (Warsaw U.),
    Few-Body Syst. 57: 509-513, 2016
    arXiv:1601.07801 [hep-th]
  7. Asymptotic freedom of gluons in the Fock space,
    By M. Gomez-Rocha (ECT*), S. Glazek (Warsaw U.),
    Acta Phys.Polon. B47: 225, 2016
    arXiv:1510.01609 [hep-th]
  8. Chiral symmetry aspects in the open charm sector,
    By T. Buchheim (HZDR, Dresden), T. Hilger (Graz U.) B. Kampfer (HZDR, Dresden & Dresden, Tech. U.),
    J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 668: 012047, 2016
    arXiv:1509.06144 [nucl-th]
  9. Heavy-quark expansion for D and B mesons in nuclear matter,
    By T. Buchheim (HZDR, Dresden), T. Hilger (Graz U.) B. Kampfer (HZDR, Dresden & Dresden, Tech. U.),
    EPJ Web Conf. 81: 05007, 2014
    arXiv:1410.0143 [nucl-th]
  10. Defining medium-specific condensates in QCD sum rules for D and B mesons,
    By T. Buchheim (HZDR, Dresden), T. Hilger (Graz U.) B. Kampfer (HZDR, Dresden & Dresden, Tech. U.),
    Nucl.Part.Phys.Proc. 258-259: 213-216, 2015
    arXiv:1409.2228 [nucl-th]
  11. First look at heavy-light mesons with a dressed quark-gluon vertex,
    By M. Gomez-Rocha, T. Hilger, A. Krassnigg (Graz U.),
    Few-Body Syst. 56: 475-480, 2015
    arXiv:1408.1077 [hep-ph]
  12. On a new approach to meson phenomenology with the Bethe-Salpeter equation,
    By C. Popovici, T. Hilger, M. Gomez-Rocha, A. Krassnigg (Graz U.),
    Few-Body Syst. 56: 481-487, 2015
    arXiv:1407.7970 [hep-ph]
  13. On propagators and three-point functions in Landau gauge QCD and QCD-like theories,
    By R. Alkofer (Graz U.), G. Eichmann, C. S. Fischer (Giessen U.), M. Hopfer, M. Vujinovic (Graz U.), R. Williams (Giessen U.), A. Windisch (Graz U.),
    PoS QCD-TNT-III: 003, 2014
    arXiv:1405.7310 [hep-ph]
  14. Non-perturbative features of the three-gluon vertex in Landau gauge,
    By M. Vujinovic, R. Alkofer (Graz U.), G. Eichmann, R. Williams (Giessen U.),
    Acta Phys.Polon.Supp. 7 No3: 607-612, 2014
    arXiv:1404.4474 [hep-ph]
  15. Probing nucleons with photons at the quark level,
    By G. Eichmann (Giessen U.),
    Acta Phys.Polon.Supp. 7 No3: 597-605, 2014
    arXiv:1404.4149 [hep-ph]
  16. Hadron structure within the point form of relativistic quantum mechanics,
    By M. Gomez-Rocha, W. Schweiger, O. Senekowitsch (Graz U.),
    Few-Body Syst. 55: 697-700, 2014
    arXiv:1311.1936 [hep-ph]

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