13th April 2023: Teilchenbeschleuniger und Detektoren (in german); given at the IPPOG Masterclass on particle physics for high-school students, Institut f. Physik, University of Graz, Austria
1st April 2022: Teilchenbeschleuniger und Detektoren (in german); given virtually at the IPPOG Masterclass on particle physics for high-school students, Institut f. Physik, University of Graz, Austria
22nd February 2021: Teilchenbeschleuniger und Detektoren (in german); given virtually at the IPPOG Masterclass on particle physics for high-school students, Institut f. Physik, University of Graz, Austria
9th March 2020: Teilchenbeschleuniger und Detektoren (in german); given at the IPPOG Masterclass on particle physics for high-school students, Institut f. Physik, University of Graz, Austria
7th March 2019: Teilchenbeschleuniger und Detektoren (in german); given at the IPPOG Masterclass on particle physics for high-school students, Institut f. Physik, University of Graz, Austria
3rd – 24th October 2018: Künstliche Intelligenz (Artificial Intelligence) (4-evening series, in german); given at Urania, Graz, Austria Topics and dates: 3rd October 2018: Abend 1: Situation, Begriffe, AI=? 10th October 2018: Abend 2: Beispiele 17th October 2018: Abend 3: Der Mensch und AI 24th October 2018: Abend 4: AI und die Zukunft
22nd March 2018: Teilchenbeschleuniger und Detektoren (in german); given at the IPPOG Masterclass on particle physics for high-school students, Institut f. Physik, University of Graz, Austria
28th September – 19th October 2017: Teilchenphysik (4-evening series, in german); given at Urania, Graz, Austria Topics and dates: 28th September 2017: Abend 1: Begriffe 5th October 2017: Abend 2: Experiment 12th October 2017: Abend 3: Theorie 19th October 2017: Abend 4: Hinter den Kulissen
1st March 2017: Teilchenbeschleuniger und Detektoren (in german); given at the IPPOG Masterclass on particle physics for high-school students, Institut f. Physik, University of Graz, Austria
3rd March 2016: Teilchenbeschleuniger und Detektoren (in german); given at the IPPOG Masterclass on particle physics for high-school students, Institut f. Physik, University of Graz, Austria
20th March 2015: Teilchenbeschleuniger und Detektoren (in german); given at the IPPOG Masterclass on particle physics for high-school students, Institut f. Physik, University of Graz, Austria
12th March 2014: Teilchenbeschleuniger und Detektoren (in german); given at the IPPOG Masterclass on particle physics for high-school students, Institut f. Physik, University of Graz, Austria
16th March 2012: Teilchenbeschleuniger und Detektoren (in german); given at the IPPOG Masterclass on particle physics for high-school students, Institut f. Physik, University of Graz, Austria
8th March 2011: Teilchenbeschleuniger und Detektoren (in german); given at the EPPOG Masterclass on particle physics for high-school students, Institut f. Physik, University of Graz, Austria
22th February 2010: Teilchenbeschleuniger und Detektoren (in german); given at the EPPOG Masterclass on particle physics for high-school students, Institut f. Physik, University of Graz, Austria
12th November 2009: CERN, Higgs Teilchen, schwarze Löcher, und was noch? (in german); given at the Kroisegger Gespräche, Vortragsreihe im Studentenheim Kroisegg, Graz, Austria
17th April 2008: Teilchen und andere “Kleinigkeiten” (in german); given at the Kirchengasse High School, Graz, Austria
11th October 2006: The World View of Modern Physics (in german); given during the series of lectures “Religious discussions at Münzgraben: Focus Evolution”, Münzgraben Parish, Graz, Austria
24th June 2005: Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält (in german); given at the Sacré Coeur High School, Graz, Austria