May 30th, 2017: Fundamental approaches to hadron spectroscopy; given at the FAIRNESS2017 Workshop, 29th May – 2nd June 2017, Sitges, Spain
October 6th, 2016: Something old, something new, and more from the DSBSE approach; given at the Hungary-Croatia-Austria-Triangle (ACHT2016) Workshop, 5th – 7th October 2016, Čakovec, Croatia
October 7th, 2015: The DSBSE approach to hadrons; given at the Hungary-Croatia-Austria-Triangle (ACHT2015) Workshop, 7th – 9th October 2015, Leibnitz, Austria
February 20th, 2015: Conventional and exotic quarkonia from the Bethe-Salpeter-equation approach; given at the Workshop on “PANDA Physics Perspectives at SMI”, 19th – 20th February 2015, Vienna, Austria
May 5th, 2011: BSE News presents: methods, numerics, and meson phenomenology; given at the Workshop on “Strong Interactions in Quantum Field Theory”, 4th – 6th May 2011, Fürstenfeld, Austria
September 3rd, 2009: Using integral equations in QCD; given at the 4th Austrian-Croatian-Hungarian Summer Workshop for Theoretical Physics “Quantum Fields and Quark Matter”, 30th August – 4th September 2009, Rab, Croatia
April 17th, 2009: Mesons from QCD: a Bethe-Salpeter approach; given at the Workshop on “Strong Interactions in Quantum Field Theory”, 15th – 17th April 2009, Fürstenfeld, Austria
May 22nd, 2008: A Bethe-Salpeter-equation view of pion electromagnetic properties; given at the Workshop on “Hadron Electromagnetic Form Factors”, 12th – 23rd May 2008, ECT*, Trento, Italy
April 8th, 2008: Toward a complete study of mesons with the Bethe-Salpeter equation; division seminar given at Physics Division, ANL, Argonne, Illinois, USA
April 3rd, 2008: Mesons from QCD; given at the Department of Physics, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA
November 16th, 2007: The Bethe-Salpeter equation applied to meson studies in QCD; given at the Theoretical Physics Department of the University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
March 13th, 2007: The Bethe-Salpeter equation and mesons; given at the Workshop on “Confinement: connecting the light- and heavy-quark domains”, 12th – 16th March 2007, ECT*, Trento, Italy
December 11th, 2006: Dyson-Schwinger equations and mesons; given at the Institut für Kernphysik of the TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
October 17th, 2006: Recent progress in meson physics with the Bethe-Salpeter equation; given at the Workshop III of the Virtual Institute “Dense hadronic matter and QCD phase transition”, 15th – 17th October 2006, Rathen, Germany
June 13th, 2006: Meson spectroscopy and properties in a Dyson-Schwinger approach; given at the 9th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction (MESON2006), 9th – 13th June 2006, Krakow, Poland
October 7th, 2005: A Dyson-Schwinger-equation perspective on meson radial excitations; given at the Workshop II of the Virtual Institute “Dense hadronic matter and QCD phase transition”, 6th – 8th October 2005, Prerow, Germany
July 7th, 2005: Excited Mesons from the Dyson-Schwinger Approach; given at the Workshop on “Highly Excited Hadrons”, 4th – 9th July 2005, ECT*, Trento, Italy
May 26th, 2005: Exciting hadronic physics with Dyson-Schwinger equations; given at the IPPP, University of Durham, Durham, UK.
December 14th, 2004: Exciting physics with Dyson-Schwinger equations; given at Triumf, Vancouver, Canada
November 15th, 2004: Exciting physics with Dyson-Schwinger equations; given at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA
November 8th, 2004: Exciting physics with Dyson-Schwinger equations; division seminar given at Physics Division, ANL, Argonne, Illinois, USA
October 9th, 2002: Coupled-Channel Formulation of Positronium; given at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA
March 26th, 2002: A Relativistic Point-Form Approach to Quark-Antiquark Systems; given at Physics Division, ANL, Argonne, Illinois, USA
September 10th, 2001: On Helicity and Spin on the Light-Cone; Invited talk given at the International Light-Cone Workshop: “Light-Cone Physics: Particles and Strings”, 3rd – 11th September 2001, ECT*, Trento, Italy
January 17th, 2001: Relativistische Dynamik von Konstitutentenquarks; given at the Institut für Theoretische Physik of the University of Graz, Graz, Austria
December 7th, 1998: Spectroscopy and decays of baryon resonances; given at the Institut des Sciences Nucléaires, Grenoble, France.